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워싱턴포스트 최악의 지도자 표현

by 할말하자 2022. 11. 3.

워싱턴포스트 최악의 지도자 표현

미국 워싱턴프스트도 알았다. 최악의 지도자라는 것을.. 워싱턴포스트 <할로윈의 참사는 세계 최악으 지도자를 시험대에 오르게 했다>라는 헤드라인으로 기사를 게재했다. 현재는 a Deeply Unpopular로 바꾸었다. 윤석열이 미국 워싱턴포스트도 장악했나.?


World's Most-Disliked Leader  세계에서 가장 싫어하는 / 최악의 비호감

Halloween Tragedy Is a Test for the World’s Most-Disliked Leader

Analysis by Gearoid Reidy | Bloomberg
October 31, 2022 at 8:01 p.m. EDT

A nightmarish disaster whose victims are predominantly the young. A right-of-center leader whose popularity is sliding. A political flashpoint potentially in the making once the nation absorbs the tragedy.

It’s not hard to find echoes between the killing of more than 150 people crushed in a Halloween crowd surge in Seoul on Saturday, and the deaths of more than 300 people, mainly high-school students, in the 2014 sinking of the Sewol ferry. In both cases, officialdom failed the nation’s youth, resulting in tragic, avoidable events on a scale that is scarcely imaginable. The public will demand answers.

The nation’s president at the time of the Sewol catastrophe, the disgraced and impeached Park Geun-hye, was for all her faults clearly not personally responsible for the sinking of the ferry, which was blamed on its operator overloading the vessel and the crew abandoning the passengers.

But it was Park’s emotionally distant response to the accident that turned many against her, even before the corruption scandal that would later take her down. A key question during the investigation into her response was the mystery of her whereabouts for seven crucial hours after the incident, before she briefed the nation.

While the incumbent Yoon Suk Yeol has moved quicker, declaring a period of mourning and forming an expansive task force to investigate, he has little margin for error. Even before the Halloween catastrophe, Yoon was the most-disliked leader in the world, with 72% saying they disapproved of him in a recent Morning Consult survey. Only the now-departed Liz Truss, the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister, ranked worse among countries polled.

워싱턴포스트의 최악의 비호감이라는 말은 설문조사의 결과를 근거로 한 기사이다. 

참 대단하다. 단 몇 개월만에 대한민국 대통령 수준을 아프리카 후진국 대통령 수준으로 만들었다. 

